Sunday, June 29, 2008


guess what? i've lost 5 kilos.
hahaha yiha bibeeeeeh!
tapi ga mau ngasitau dari sekian ke sekian, since it's humiliating :p

program diet ala acchan:
1. ga makan nasi kalo makan malem, ganti pake sayur/buah
2. sit up tiap malem 1 seri (10 kali)
3. kurangi cemilan (misalnya tiap jam lo ngemil, kurangin jadi tiap 4 jam. HAHA)
4. (ini yang paling gw ikhlas jalanin dari smua program diet) main dance dance revolution pake karpetnya, jangan pake stik ps, namanya olahraga jari, yang ada jari lu makin kea lidi! oya gw mainnya 2 kali game, jadi 6 lagu. pilih lagu yang upbeat tapi arrow2nya gampang

haha awalnya berat gw ** dari sehari sebelom uan kalo ga salah, trus sekarang berat gw ** mantap ye!
(gmn mau tau turun enggaknya angkanya aja disensor =_=)

ya intinya diet itu menyenangkan asal lo ikhlas menjalankannya
masih pengen turun 5 kilo lagiiiiiii haha doain ya mamen ;)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

refleksi 9E

just went back from puncak w/ arcti9e monkeys, 22-23 june '08
i'll upload pictures, anddd will be adding more
enjoyy! :)

height="306" />

Monday, June 23, 2008

UAN 2008

Nama: Dyah Ayu Asmarani
No. Peserta: 04-314-168-9

Telah menyelesaikan Ujian Nasional, maka siswa tersebut dinyatakan:


oya nilai UAN-nya, hehe

Bahasa Indonesia: 8.2
Bahasa Inggris: 9.6
Matematika: 9.25
IPA: *ini nih pengacau* 7.0

Total: 34.05

tai emang IPA. hahahah, tapi gpp lah Alhamdulillah :D

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

i say NYE you say SEK

mr. zibble, or should i call you mr. zehr?

we will meet again someday, won't we?
& then we'll take pictures together, and do some chitchats maybe?

or should i find your picture from the internet
& then i'll place my picture beside yours using photoshop?

i won't let the second choice happen, promise i won't

this is hard, i tell ya this is hard...............
askanfndngjnfgnjffjfpkgbmvkgjn sorry

Monday, June 16, 2008

kung-fu giring?

huaaaahm it's 10pm already, tapi berhubung blog gw lg kosong ga ada post baru gw isi aja dah iseng hewhew

jadiii sepulang celebration day kemaren, poe dan gw memutuskan untuk nomat kung fu panda hari senin, ya hari ini maksudnya. yaudah kita mulai ngajak2 orang. si poe ngajak fatima, ai, nari. gw ngajak sheila & nita.
pas gw lg ol msn, si mitra nanya senin kemana, gw bilang lah mau nonton kung fu panda, eeelah dia mau ikut, gw sih fine aja dia ikut, tp dia ga mau ikut kalo cowo sendiri, yaudah akhirnya gw beralih ke target pertama: jodhi.
abis gw ajak jodhi, dia bisa ternyata. trus gw ajak keboy, dia bisa, dan ngusulin kalo gw ngajak nugi, yaudah gw ajak nugi, dan dia mau. hohoho rame deh yg nonton.
besoknya, mitra ngasitau gw kalo dia mau futsal dulu baru nonton, yawes deh. 
jam 2an berangkat ke pim sama poe & fatima, kan ngelewatin tempat futsal, eh gw sekilas ngeliat anak pake kaos olahraga labschool, apa gw salah liat ya? eh ternyata itu si jodhi. haha
udah nyampe xxi, ternyata ramenyaaaaaa adsjflsjfnjdla yaudah gw ngantri deh, sambil nelfon2 yang cowo. ternyata mitra membawa kabar (kurang) baik, yang nonton nambah dari 4 orang cowo jadi 9 orang cowo. JLEB!
yah akhirnya yang tadinya ada nugi keboy mitra jodhi, nambah emir, riky, cahyo, agi, indro. ckckck indah bener.

yaudah gw ngantri dan dapetnya jam 16.25, itupun di depan2. yaudah gpp, yang jelas yg cewe udah ngetek di tengah2 aja. eh gataunya pas masuk, itu boys2 nyosor ke tengah! eeeelah akhirnya yg cewe ngalah di samping2 -_-

intinya, kung fu panda mantabbbb (y) kocak bgt, haha harus nonton lu smua.

oya kejadian sebelom nonton, yang cewe (gw poe fatima ai nari sheila nita) pada ke gramed nyari adenya sheila yang ngeloyor2 trus ngilang.
nah sesampenya di gramed, ada sosok kribo2 tinggi gitu deket kasir, awalnya kita pada ngira itu fotografer buken, eeeh gataunya fatima bilang kalo itu........ *drumrolls*
iyak! iyaaaaaaaaaak!!!!
gw langsung ngalay, gw berniat pengen foto sama dia soalnya wkt konser click five ga sempet foto sama click five-nya. *jauh ya?? bodo ah*
gw bilang ke sheila ada giring di sono, cuma dia ga ngeh giring siape? yang peterpan itu? oh itu ariel......... *jayus ga? jayus ya? jayus dong?*
akhirnya gw cuma bisa menirukan gaya nyanyinya giring dan dia baru ngeh -_-
ternyata sheila jg pengen foto, cm dia biasalah malu2 mau. nah smua orang di gramed pada ngeliatin giring dengan tatapan aduh-yaampun-ada-giring-gimana-gw-pengen-bgt-foto-nih-tapi-malu-aw-aw-aw *cukup2.*
akhirnya gw memberanikan diri nyamperin giring yang kebetulan baru selese bayar di kasir.
eh dia baik loh! kira2 begini percakapannya,
Acchan: *diem sesaat* ka giring, boleh foto bareng ga kak?*
Giring: oh iya boleh kok boleh! eh kalian udah libur ya?
Acchan: *cengo* ha, udah kak
Giring: udah pengumuman ya?
Acchan: belom kak, minggu ini
Giring: ooooh, udah lulus dong? *dezingggggg*
Acchan: baru minggu ini pengumumannya kak
Giring: lah, kalian? sma?
Acchan: ngga ka, smp *nyengir*
Giring: oalaaah anak jaman sekarang dikasi makan apaan ya bisa tinggi2? perasaan dulu gw kate bgt *tangan mengukur sekitar 70cm dari lantai gramed*
Acchan: *nyengir2 aja gw*

ya akhirnya gw & sheila foto, difotoin ai sih, dah ya, yaudah deh haha kita say thanks ke dia, & jalan keluar gramed.

pas gw selesai foto, baru deh itu orang2 yang ngeliatin beraksi, minta fotolah, minta nomer hp lah, minta rambutnya giring lah *lho????*

and this is the picture, yehaaa!

"ngga ada joey, giring pun jadi :D"

nah abis itu kita ke xxi soalnya film udah mau mulai, eeeeh ya know what happens?
di xxi, deket pintu masuk, ada si giring lagi! jodoh bener dah gw sama dia hahaha
ga deng just kidding makan pudding (???)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Zdr's Celebration Day

photos taken: Zascodelarno's Celebration Day, 14th June 2008
credits to Chiquitita :-)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


oh wowwwie


sorry for the randomness, haha still cant believe it
he did? didn't he?


Sunday, June 8, 2008

maaf seribu maaf


don't mind my post in the shoutbox, jangan dihiraukan, oke?
jadi gini ceritanya,
pagi tadi pas gw mau log in ke blog yang ini, ternyata email gw yang gw pake buat bikin blog ini udah expired, jadi gw gabisa log in

yaudah gw bikin account baru plus blog baru tapi tetep pake nama Who the hell is Acchan
eeeh ternyata ujung2nya kesini juga!
yang udah direpotin gara2 blog baru gw maaf yaaah
gw akan tetep setia pake blog ini kok

i'm officially the member of the click five boardies!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

the click five live in jkt 4/6/2008

uhm the click five

so luckily me & my friends got the chance to meet & greet before the concert starts
here's the story...

at 6pm, we all gather near the istora lobby for briefing before meet & greet session.
we made a line consist of 10 people, me, mente, & dhira were on the 4th line.

while waiting, i felt butterflies whirling in my stomach! haha i just felt like i want to fell down to the ground, damn i'm so nervous. JOEY!

last may, it was Joey's birthday. so i made this red & blue bracelet as a birthday present for him. back to the meet & greet story!

finally the time has come, our line, the 4th line went into the room. and what the heck i saw ben's face. geeeez i'm getting nervous! haha
here's the conversation at the meet & greet session.

Bodyguard: so where do you want to sign?
Me: here *pointing the cd cover*
first, i faced mr. ben romans
Ben: Hi!
Me: Hi Ben! *smiles, gave him the cd cover*
Ben: How are you?
Me: Fine, fine *ben finished signing*
Me: Thank you
Ben: *smiles*
secondly, mr. JOEY ZEHR!!!!!!!!!
Me: *staring at his damn beautiful blue eyes, really! he has damn fine eyes*
Me: Hi Joey! *smiling on the outside, crazy on the inside*
Joey: Hi! How are you?
Me: Fine
Joey: What's your name?
Me: Acchan
Joey: Okay, *signs the cd cover*
Me: Uh, anyway happy belated birthday Joey, i have a gift for you. if you want? *bit shaky voice. me nervous! gave him the bracelet*
Joey: Oh wow thanks! *glancing at the bracelet, put inside his pocket*
thirdly, mr. kyle patrick *i gotta tell you i love his new haircut. fits him perfectly :D*
Me: Hi Kyle!
Kyle: Hi! how are you?* then a fly came buzzing in front of him, he's busy swapping away the fly, gotta tell you that's fun to watch :p*
Me: Fine *laughing on the inside*
Kyle: Nevermind *laughs, signs the cd cover*
Me: Hehehe thanks Kyle!
fourthly, mr. ethan mentzer
Me: Hi Ethan!
Ethan: Hi. How are you? *signs the cd cover*
Me: Fine, thanks!
last, mr. Joe Guese
Me: Hi.... Joe!
Joe: Hi, how are you? *signs the cd cover*
Me: Fine, thankyou!
as soon as i walked out of the room, i waited for mente & dhira.
then we freaked out together hahaha you know : )
unfortunately, the promotor said that there's no photo session because it's way too late. ARGH DAMN! but they said that they papparazi-ed us while the signing session, and we can get the photo later on. hmph.
this is what the cd cover looks like after signed by those decent boys,
ahah nevermind.

i really hope joey would wear the bracelet i gave to him. please please!
and that's the meet & greet story,
below's the photos from the concert, taken by moi. enjoy!

i'll see you on the flipside! first photo taken

Kyle Patrick, he looks so damn fine

Ben Romans, eccentric as ever

Joe Guese, wears sunnies for the first... idk 3 songs maybe?

Joey Zehr! The man! ahahah taken while they're playing acoustics

Ethan Mentzer, i like his way of playing bass :D

Goodness gracious! they're Joe, Kyle, Ethan

The Click Five, yeah man!

Bring on the disco ball, it's headlight disco baby!

Bye guys! Goodluck on the next album! :D

kyle actually spray the audiences with his mineral water at some songs, i got hit twice! hahaha aw kyle :3

after the concert finished, i saw their soundman saying "SETLIST! SETLIST!"
and he was waving the setlist, so came to him and ask for the setlist.
then he gave it to me! hahah yeah i got the click five's setlist baby!

that is all. looking forward to their next album!
gooo click five!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

postponed again.

the black parade is dead's release date has been postponed, AGAIN.
it said that it'll be released by the 1st july, before that it was by the end of june if i'm not mistaken,
why oh why oh why oh whyyyy?
seriously, i can't wait :Z