Friday, June 26, 2009

50% - 50%

meet my Darkrai :)

so today's the day we'll get out report card for the second semester, sekaligus penjurusan.
gw sendiri mau masuk IPA, tapi ya jika kalo seandainya bilamana gak IPA ya yowes.
meanwhile yesterday was the day of Pengumuman Capsis. i was supposed to come yesterday, but i had no driver so i stayed at home instead while my friends told me "oh he passed, oh she passed, do you believe it she didn't pass?" and such.

i woke up pretty early *untuk ukuran liburan* this morning.
heading to school with mom and dad, bought hotdog for breakfast.
arrived at school, i met wepe & etsa. we decided to look for mr. subhan because he was the person hold responsible for the surat pengumuman capsis. we finally found him on plaza, then he took us to TU, gave us the letter, we went outside TU, and i quickly opened it until i found that...


sebagai pengurus OSIS periode 2009/2010

and then i was like... okay. it didn't feel good at all.
at least that sentence made up my mood again.

not long after that, my mom went out of my class' homebase carrying my report card.
i asked her which class i got into, and she said, "you got science class."
mhm schweet!


rest in peace the world's #1 king of pop, Michael Jackson.


Annisa Widya Putri said...

senasip chan hauhau

Ozora Kharunia said...

Welcome to the science class chan. Congrats!

Acchan said...

AYOK DAH TOS! haha iya makasih kak :)

Dito said...

welcome to the hood chan. bedanya IPA sama IPS itu kalau IPA ga pake es jadi anget wakakaka

Acchan said...

thankyou ka dito, wahah maksudnya apa itu kak?